Friday, August 26, 2011

Welding Syllabus

Welding 1 Course Syllabus

Instructor Information: Leland Monroe

Certified Welding Educator

Certificate No. 0205001E

P.O Box 948

Tok, Alaska 99780

Class Location: Tok School, Tok, Alaska

Prerequisite: none

Dates/Times: Aug 23-Dec 22, 2011


Jan 9-May 24, 2012

May 2012 Certification Testing

Texts/Materials: AWS Welding Volume 1

AWS Welding Volume 2

Text Author: National Center for Construction

Education and Research (NCCER)

Text Publisher: Prentice Hall

Course Description:

Entry-level course in Welding Safety, basic oxyacetylene welding/cutting, GTAW, and SMAW. This course is designed to introduce students to some of the fundamental tools, equipment, materials, and processes used in the various fields of welding. The course is designed around workplace safety and job readiness skills. Students will gain knowledge about career opportunities, requirements, and the development of basic skills that will help prepare them for success.

Course Goals:

Students will develop welding proficiency in position 1 and 2 using the three welding processes, oxyacetylene welding, GTAW, and SMAW. Students will be expected to pass a position certification test in at least one welding process at the end of the school year. Student will be expected to pass all module testing with a 70% or above.

Student Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate work safety in the welding shop according to instructor, school, and OHSA regulations.

2. Demonstrate proper oxyacetylene, GTAW, and SMAW safety and setup.

3. Demonstrate proper oxyacetylene welding/cutting, GTAW, and SMAW welding procedures and techniques.

4. Demonstrate sufficient knowledge of oxyacetylene, GTAW, SMAW systems and materials used through module testing.

Instructional Methods:

The basic welding/cutting concepts will be developed through a variety of instructional methods. They include:

1. Assigned class readings from course text.

2. Instructor led class discussions.

3. Informational/instructional Videos

3. Instructor led demonstrations

4. Student led exploration

5. Small group instruction

6. Individual instruction

Course Calendar First Semester

Week of:

Aug 31 MTTF 1:53-2:45

W 1:23-2:00

Sept 8 TTF 1:53-2:45

W 1:23-2:00

Sept 14 MTTF 1:53-2:45

W 1:23-2:00

Sept 21 MTTF 1:53-2:45

W 1:23-2:00

Sept 28 MTTF 1:53-2:45

W 1:23-2:00

Oct 5 MTTF 1:53-2:45

W 1:23-2:00

Oct 12 MTTF 1:53-2:45

W 1:23-2:00

Oct 19 MTTF 1:53-2:45

Oct 26 TF 1:53-2:45

W 1:23-2:00

Nov 2 MTTF 1:53-2:45

W 1:23-2:45

Nov 9 MTTF 1:53-2:45

W 1:23-2:00

Nov 16 MTTF 1:53-2:45

W 1:23-2:00

Nov 23 MT 1:53-2:45

W 1:23-2:00

Nov 30 MTTF 1:53-2:45

W 1:23-2:00

Dec 7 MTTF 1:53-2:45

W 1:23-2:00

Dec 14 MTTF 1:53-2:45

W 1:23-2:45

Total first semester hrs: 52 minutes x 57= 2,964 minutes

37 minutes x 15= 555 minutes

3,519/60=58.65 hrs

Course Calendar Second Semester

Week of:

Jan 4 MTTF 1:53-2:45

W 1:23-2:00

Jan 11 MTTF 1:53-2:45

W 1:23-2:00

Jan 18 MTTF 1:53-2:45

W 1:23-2:00

Jan 25 MTTF 1:53-2:45

W 1:23-2:00

Feb 1 MTTF 1:53-2:45

W 1:23-2:00

Feb 8 MTTF 1:53-2:45

W 1:23-2:00

Feb 15 MTTF 1:53-2:45

W 1:23-2:00

Feb 22 MTTF 1:53-2:45

W 1:23-2:00

Mar 1 MTTF 1:53-2:00

W 1:23-2:00

Mar 8 MTTF 1:53-2:45

W 1:23-2:00

Mar 22 MTTF 1:53-2:45

Mar 29 MTTF 1:53-2:45

W 1:23-2:00

April 5 MTTF 1:53-2:45

W 1:23-2:00

April 12 MTTF 1:53-2:45

W 1:23-2:00

April 19 MTTF 1:53-2:45

W 1:23-2:00

April 26 MTTF 1:53-2:45

W 1:23-2:00

May 3 MTTF 1:53-2:45

W 1:23-2:00

Total first semester hrs: 52 minutes x 57= 2,964 minutes

37 minutes x 15= 555 minutes

3,519/60=58.65 hrs

Total second semester hours: 52 minutes x 72=3,744 minutes

37 minutes x 17= 629 minutes

4373/60=72.88 hrs + 11 hrs = 83.88 hrs

May 10-11 TF

Testing Week 8:30-12:00=3.5 hrs

1:00-3:00 =2.0 hrs

2days x 5.5 hrs = 11 hrs testing

Total second semester hours: 52 minutes x 72=3,744 minutes

37 minutes x 17= 629 minutes

4373/60=72.88 hrs + 11 hrs = 83.88 hrs

83.88 hrs

58.65 hrs

142.53 total hrs for the Welding 1 course.

Course Subject Breakdown

General Shop Safety Testing 15 hrs

Oxyacetylene Safety 5 hrs

GTAW Safety 5 hrs

SMAW Safety 5 hrs

Oxyacetylene Welding/Cutting Instructional 10 hrs

Oxyacetylene Skill Development 16 hrs

GTAW Instructional 10 hrs

GTAW Skill Development 20 hrs

SMAW Instructional 15 hrs

SMAW Skill Development 30 hrs

Testing prep and Testing 11 hrs

Total 142 hrs

Grading Breakdown

1. Safety 20%

2. Class Participation 10%

3. Test/Quiz 20%

4. Activity (Shop) 50%

A=90% to 100%

B=80% to 89%

C=70% to 79%

D=60% to 69%

F= 59% and below

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