9th Grade Health Syllabus
Instructor | Leland Monroe | | lmonroe@agsd.us |
Phone | 907-883-2965 |
Text and other required materials:
You must be prepared for class daily with the following materials:
Textbook: textbook cover, loose-leaf paper, 3-ring binder (1/2” to 1”), pencils or blue/black pen (no colored ink/gel pens for graded work!)
Materials students will need on a case-by-case basis: colored pencils, individual pencil sharpener, and sharpie marker
This class focuses on health issues of critical importance to adolescents. My goal is to educate my students to help them develop life skills for a healthy future. The class will consist of lectures, handouts, videos, presentations, and guest presenters to teach a variety of health concepts. Concepts included wellness, human relationships, self-esteem and other mental issues, body systems, nutrition, sexual concerns, drugs and alcohol (substance abuse) common and sexually transmitted diseases, and fitness.
I believe that the home and school are both important in educating students about personal health. Therefore parents are given the opportunity to restrict their child’s participation and/or opt out of the human relations and sexuality. If you have concerns in this/any area(s) or if you would like to speak with me about the content of any of the curriculum concepts, please do not hesitate to do so. (lmonroe@agsd.us)
Classroom rules:
1) Food, candy, and drinks are not allowed in the classroom at any time.
2) Come prepared to class with all necessary materials *Please note there will be no releases during the first and last 10 minutes of class.
3) Respect all others
4) Talk when no one else is talking!
5) Follow all school rules. (Refer to Student handbook)
Important information:
I absolutely despise cheating. I do not find it funny or acceptable in any form. It is the same as LYING!
What is considered to be cheating?
· Copying any classwork (bookwork, vocabulary, worksheets)
· Copying lab answers from anyone
· Copying someone else during a test or quiz
· Gleaning information about a test or quiz from someone in another class
· Plagiarizing (including Internet information)
· Using a cheat sheet of any kind
· Generally, turning in work that you have not done yourself
If you are caught cheating you will be given a zero on that assignment/test/quiz. Don’t do it!
Consequences: If you choose to disobey these rules, you will first receive a warning. A second offense will result in a 10-15 minute detention, either during lunch or after school. A third offense will result in a parent being notified as well as a referral to your school disciplinarian. For serious offenses, including those that pose a danger to others or are extremely disruptive, you will immediately be referred to the office for proper disciplinary action.
Rewards: I will provide rewards in my classroom. These might include verbal praise, phone calls or notes home, extra credit opportunities, as well as certificates that may be redeemed for homework assignments or free points on tests or quizzes.
Attendance policy:
Please do not miss class!!! When you are absent from school, it is your responsibility to come and check for any make-up work as soon as you return to school. If you miss notes, get them from a classmate. I do not allow students to ‘borrow’ my notes. Make-up work includes missed tests/quizzes, and well as daily assignments. Work missed may be made up according to the policy established in the student handbook. Work may be made up during your lunch, or during other arranged times. Labs may or may not be made up depending upon the nature of the activity. Alternate assignments may be given.
The easiest way to pass this class is to simply do your work and turn it in on time. I grade virtually everything you do; therefore, turn in everything COMPLETE and ON TIME, and you will be fine. Late work will be given half credit up to 5 school days of the due date. After 5 days, work will be given 1 token point to acknowledge that the work was finally turned in. Assignments are graded on a total points scale. It is easy to keep up with your grade in this class. Simply keep a running total of your top numbers (what you got) and divide it by the total of the bottom numbers (total number possible).
95 + 40 + 60 + 20 + 118 = 333 = 90%
100 50 75 20 125 370
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
test quiz laboratory homework test raw score
Semester/Final averages are calculated by the following:
First Semester: (Quarter #1 Average X 2) + (Quarter # 2 Average X 2) + Mid-term Exam
Second Semester: (Quarter #3 Average X 2) + (Quarter # 4 Average X 2)
Final Average: (Semester 1 X 2) + (Semester 2 X 2) + Final Exam
Grades: 23/25, 67/78, 90/100, 90/100, 34/36, 6/8, 22/22
1st step: Add the top numbers: 23+67+90+90+34+6+22 = 332
2nd step: Add the bottom numbers: 25+78+100+100+36+8+22 = 369
3rd step: Divide the top sum by the bottom sum and multiply by 100%:
332/369 x 100% = 90%
Interim reports and report cards will be issued according to the schedule provided in the school calendar. Printouts can also be distributed every 1-2 weeks for students/parents if computers are not available.
*Note- You are required to keep a binder for this class. You must keep all of your papers until the end of the class in a binder.
Online Support:
The State of Alaska provides a free online tutoring program through SLED. I will be providing information to students on how they can access this program from home. Feel free to e-mail me at any time: lmonroe@agsd.us .
Please return the bottom portion with proper signatures.
STUDENT: I have read and understand Mr. Monroe’s classroom rules and procedures and syllabus. I agree to accept responsibility for my actions, good or bad, and deal with the consequences.
E-mail address: ____________________________________________________________________
Signature _________________________________________ Date ________________
PARENT: My child and I have discussed Mr. Monroe’s classroom rules and procedures and syllabus. We understand that he/she must accept responsibility for his/her actions, good or bad, and deal with the consequences.
Please print clearly: Mailing address: _______________________________________________
E-mail address: ____________________________________________________________________
Signature _________________________________________ Date ________________
Number where you can be reached 7 a.m. until 4 p.m. Monday through Friday ________________
As part of the health curriculum, I will be showing, Pay It Forward, Supersize Me and Odd Girl Out. All movies are rated PG-13. If you give permission for your student to view these movies, please sign below. If you have any questions regarding these movies, please feel free to contact me.
Print Parent Name ______________________________
Parent Signature _______________________________ Date ___________________
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