Time: Health and P.E. will be rotated by Quarters. (9:31-10:31 a.m.)
Attendance: Students will meet in room 110 until further notice. Role will be take then dismissed directly to the Gym Lockers for dress out. Students will have 3 minutes to be at their assigned positions on the gym floor.
Each student will be assigned a locker with a lock. (lock deposit $10.00)
Gym Clothes required:
- gym shoes – not street shoes on gym, no bare feet or sock will be allowed
- warm up pants, sweats, or gym shorts (no spandex)
- tee shirt or sweat shirt
Absolutely no tight form fitting clothing (spandex) allowed
Class Routine:
- attendance – 5 minutes
- dress out - 3 minutes
- exercises – 20 to 30 minutes
- floor exercises
1. stretches – legs, trunk, arms, neck
2. set ups
3. leg lifts
4. push ups
5. scissors
6. four point squat thrust
7. jumping jacks
8. deep knee bends
9. toe touches – windmill
- mat exercises
1. crab crawl
2. bear crawl
3. wheel barrel
4. army crawl
5. forward roll
6. reverse roll
- running exercises
1. jogging around gym floor (5 to 20 times)
2. sprints – on the whistle
3. reverse run
4. shuttle run
5. karaoke run
6. hop
- Activites thoughout the year
- softball – outdoors or indoors using whiffle ball
- soccer – outdoors
- lap game – indoors
- war ball/dodge ball – indoors
- basketball – indoors
- volleyball – indoors
- badminton – indoors
- ping pong – indoors
- bowling – indoors – possible field trip to Fairbanks Arctic Bowl
- archery – indoors
- track and field – indoors – outdoors
1. 100 meter run – skill level based off the time
2. 400 meter run – skill level based off the time
3. 400 meter relay – skill level based off time and baton handoff
4. long jump – skill level based off distance
5. high jump – skill level based off height
6. discus – skill level based off distance of throw
7. shotput – skill level based off distance of throw
- Grading System
- Practical Application
(1) 90-100% Application of student in class exercises and activity is outstanding
(2) 80-89% Application of student in class exercises and activity is above average
(3) 70-79% Application of student in class exercises and activity is average
(4) 60-69% Application of student in class exercises and activity is below average
(5) 0%-59% little or no application of student in class exercises and activity
All students have to be in class and applying themselves to receive a grade.
If a student is absent from class a 0% will be given that day unless the absence is school related or parent approved in writing.
Make up options for excused absences will be prearranged with instructor.
No Cameras, Cell Phones, Food, Drink, Glass Containers, Aerosol Cans are allowed in the Locker Rooms or Gym.
All students will be expected to participate in all exercises and activities unless parent or doctor gives a written excuse.
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