2011-2012 AGSD Business Math Syllabus
1. Gross Income-Hourly Pay, Overtime Pay, Weekly Time-Card, Piecework, Salary, Commission
2. Net Income-Federal Income tax, State Income tax, Social Security Tax, Group Insurance, Earnings Statement
3. Checking Accounts-Deposits, Writing Checks, Check Registers, Bank Statements, Reconciling the Bank Statement
4. Savings Accounts-Deposits, Withdrawals, Passbooks, Account Statements, Simple Interest, Compound Interest, Compound Interest Tables, Daily Compounding
5. Cash Purchases-Sales tax, Total Purchase Price, Unit Pricing, Finding the better Buy, Coupons and Rebates, Markdown, Sale Price
6. Charge Accounts and Credit Cards-Sales Receipts, Account Statements, Finance Charges
7. Loans-Single-Payment Loans, Installment Loans, Simple Interest Installment Loans, Paying Off Simple Interest Installment Loans, Determining the APR (Average Percentage Rate), Refund of Finance Charge, Balloon Payments
8. Automobile Transportation-Purchasing a New Automobile, Dealer’s Cost, Purchasing a Used Automobile, Automobile Insurance, Operating and Maintaining an Automobile, Leasing an Automobile, Renting an Automobile
9. Housing Costs-Mortgages Loans, Monthly Payment and Total Interest, Closing Costs, The Monthly Payment, Real Estate Taxes, Homeowner’s Insurance, Other Housing Cost
10. Insurance and Investments-Health Insurance Premiums, Health Insurance Benefits, Term Life Insurance, Other Types of Life Insurance, Certificates of Deposits, Effective Annual Yield, Stocks, Stock Dividends, Selling Stocks, Bonds
11. Recordkeeping-Average Monthly Expenditure, Preparing a Budget Sheet, Using a Budget (Excel Doc needs to be downloaded on your computers)
Business Math Grading Policy
Total Grades will consists of 10% Attendance, 20% Exercises (homework), 20% Quizzes, 30% Tests, and 20% Projects.
· A = 90-100%
· B = 80-89%
· C = 70-79%
· D = 60-69%
· F = Below 60%
Late Work
· Assignments are due on the due date
· Late assignments will not receive full credit
o One day late - 10 points deducted
o Two days late – 20 points deducted
o Three days late – 30 points deducted
o Four or more days late – Assignment will not score over 50%. Assignments have a two week deadline. After two weeks, the score drops to zero.
Extra Credit
One extra credit assignment may be completed each nine weeks. This assignment must be pre-approved by the teacher, and it is due one week before mid semester’s or semester’s end. This assignment can replace one zero or low percentage grade.
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