Friday, August 26, 2011

Small Engines Syllabus


We will start all classes in the drafting room where role will be taken. All students are to have a seat as soon as they enter the room. If you are not in the room at the beginning of the bell, then you will be considered tardy. A tardy slip will be written up. Three tardies will constitute an hour detention.

Make sure you bring your own paper and pencil to class. If you have to go to your locker to get your class materials after the bell, then a tardy slip will be issued to you.

No pop, gum, or candy will be allowed in the classroom. Bottled water in a clear container will be allowed. Part of you grade for this class will come from class safety, how well you follow directions and rules for this class and certification.

Bathroom breaks will be restricted to emergency only.

I do not allow swearing in my classes. Anyone caught swearing/cursing in class will be issued a detention/warning. Three warning equals a detention. Part of your grade from this class will come from how well you obey this rule.

It will be a good idea to have coveralls/shop coat to protect your clothing while in the shop. We will be working with engines with grease, oil, solvents and dirt on them.

Safety Glasses are a MUST in the shop area. Whether you are working in the shop and sitting at a stool in the shop, safety glasses are to be worn.. Horseplay including chasing each other will constitute dismissal from the shop. Horseplay of any type will NOT be tolerated what so ever. A portion of the grade will be calculated from your safety while in the shop.

A shop fee of $25.00 is collected at the beginning of this years class from each student. This fee helps defer the cost of some shop supplies such as rags, solvents, oils, greases, sandpaper, emery cloth, and other incidentals used in the small engine class.

The sound of the bell does NOT dismiss the students. Only the instructor will do the dismissing.

Course Outline

  1. Career Opportunities/Certification
  2. Small Engine Uses
  3. Introduction to Shop
  4. Shop Safety
  5. Hand/Power Tool Usage-measuring equipment
  6. Gas Engine Construction-Operation-Maintenance
  7. Basic Overhaul
  8. Repair and Troubleshooting

“Small Gas Engines” by Alfred C. Roth is the textbook used.

Each student will be assigned to disassemble a four stroke engine. After reassembly, the engine will have to start up and run to complete the course. Disassembly and reassembly procedures will be graded. Each student will have to complete a check list of disassembly and reassembly. Measurements and necessary motor numbers will be kept on a worksheet for future referencing when ordering.


  1. Class participation/daily work 60%
  2. Tests/Quizzes 20%

3. Safety 20%

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